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[Podcast] Secret Architecture: the process of process

Miss Appropriation (or "Hey, that's my move")

It's said that imitation can be deemed a form of flattery, yet when does it cross the line and begin to intrude upon cultural history and identity? CiCi Kelley and Dr. Theresa Howard join me to discuss the ways history, experience – and blood, unite cultures in ways that can only be understood by its descendants. Amidst the openness each provide into their own experiences, they likewise celebrate the act of sharing, which can transcend time, space and lineage - without misappropriating.

You'll also discover how "Watchmen" on Netflix and hot combs have something in common!

I am extremely honored to join this very important conversation with the amazing George Staib of Staib Dance, & Dr. Theresa Howard from Emory University. We laughed, we learned, we breathed all things historical and need to be honored of the African Diaspora. Take a listen to the podcast below by clicking the Miss Appropriation flier or chose your preference of podcast platform. Enjoy!


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